A website without traffic is a waste of time and money. Our Website SEO package solves this problem!

Packages starting from as little $2500 + gst…  Build it right, and they will come

For any business to be successful, it needs clients. If you own a bricks and mortar store and people don’t walk in, you go out of business. The same applies to to online businesses and websites, if people don’t come to your site, your business will fail.

The key to any online business is traffic, and lots of it.

Not everyone who visits your site will contact you, in fact, you will be doing well if one in every one hundred visitors make contact with you! so ultimately it is a numbers game, get 3,000 visitors and chances are you will get leads from 40-50 motivated customers a month, if like us, you are selling a product or service, that is good business and will keep you busy trying to convert visitors to customers.


So the 64k question I always get asked is how much do I spend on a website and how much should I spend on SEO

image of SEO package showing traffic to web site

As a rule of thumb.. it is best work on the 100/15 method  – whatever you spend on getting your website built, you should allow at least 15% of that total spend on SEO / Online Marketing per month.

For example: If you spent $5000 on building your site, allow $750pm for your SEO. If you were a start up and spent only $2000 on building your site.. allow at least $300pm for online SEO so you can begin to get some real traffic.

Until the end of August we are offering the following special.


Whatever your budget for your website, we will give you two months free SEO.. So for example if you order a site worth $3000 + gst we will give you $900 of free SEO including $200 on adwords to bring you instant traffic.
